Friday, December 17, 2010

Ready for press

When Ayla finished writing her memoir, she produced a rough sketch of what she wanted on the cover.  (See previous post below.) Yes, she's an art director, too. I then worked-up the final version in Adobe Illustrator and now we're ready to go to press.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Memoir

My number one dog, Ayla, has a way of getting into my silliest of ideas. (sigh.)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another Wednesday (Part 3)

Another Wednesday is here.
Yes, it’s trash day
pickin’ up poops.

No rain this Wednesday.
Everything is frozen
including the poops.

Firm, icy pudding-pops
are December treats
given to me
from the dogs, with love.
I am lucky, indeed.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

‘Tis the season…

…to turn on every light in the house at 4 pm because the sun sets at 4:12 pm.

…to wear 3 pairs of wool socks because my feet are frozen sculptures with toe-shaped icicles on the ends.

…to go to bed at 8 pm because it feels like 11 pm because it’s been dark for four hours already.

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Ocean

I enjoy talking with my Ocean.
I say hello; tell her she’s beautiful.
She responds or doesn’t
But we coalesce.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Last Night I Dreamt...

...I was in a room with about 8 other women. Apparently, it was some kind of intimate party where all the guests, including myself, were wearing elaborate, silky, Elizabethan-influenced dresses. They were dark and rich in color, lots of burgundies and violets. I knew only one woman there. I felt out of place, especially because of the dress. Someone put dark, thick make-up on my eyes. I looked into a mirror and saw a face that was similar to mine but not my face, with a huge "third eye". Typically, the third eye is depicted in paintings on the forehead. But this is dream-land – a third eye rests where the dream puts it.

Hopefully the dream means I am gaining some kind of insight on something; or perhaps it's telling me I have the ability to acquire a wider perspective on life. R-ight. I can be certain it doesn't mean I'm reaching enlightenment.

The dream is more likely telling me what I already know: A defective, twisted and confused brain resides in my skull. Period.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another Free Range Studios Production

The Story of Electronics -- The Story of Electronics, released on November 9th, 2010 takes on the electronics industry’s “design for the dump” mentality and champions product take back to spur companies to make less toxic, more easily recyclable and longer lasting products.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Another Trash Day

It’s Wednesday again.
I like the cleansing feel of a Wednesday
Because it is trash day
But once again
I’m picking up dog shit
In the rain.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lesson in Mindfulness

My beautiful, inspiring poem...

If you maintain intense focus
on the Patriots game
wide screen HD TV
be sure to glance at the side table
when returning your wine glass to its
resting position
Lest you will experience smashing
and crashing and splattering red
action happening not on the turf
in your HD screen
but upon your couch and carpet
and wood floors, too
Then you miss the game
whilst cleaning your mess
stupid, oh stupid You.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Trash Day

Nothing is more delightful
than collecting dog shit
in the rain.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Punkin' carvin'

I was going to post a picture of my carved halloween pumpkin until I saw this guy's work. WOW. Great inspiration but I shall not attempt this at home!

Bringing back the birdies

Several years ago, I drew little birdie cartoons all the time. I came across some old sketches and they inspired me to bring back the birdies. Today's addition: "Northeast Gallery Bird."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Spanish "festivals" burn bulls alive

Please join me in signing this petition to end this barbaric, cruel and inhumane practice. It is painfully difficult for me to believe that such a violent and senseless "ritual" act can occur today. Whether perpetrated against human or non-human animals, this kind of torture is simply unacceptable and downright horrible. Animals feel pain just as we do – It is arrogant and ignorant to believe otherwise. Please help. And always keep your eyes and ears open, for this kind of brutality exists in many forms and in many places across our world. Just because you do not see it in your own backyard doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I have no greater enemy than myself.
When Ego is in control –
or blinded by the illusion of control
Spirit suffers in silence.
Suffocating in a black
windowless, doorless prison
Spirit patiently but painfully waits
for Ego to wake up from her nightmare.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pernicious Post

The perfect prefect in our precinct was perturbed by the prurient priest who pursued a prenup with the previous pervious person of purported purview of preliterate, promiscuous peoples in Persia. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Just writing, simply writing. Your movement, flapping of the hand to the wrist to the elbow and the shoulder. You are writing with your whole arm. It seems your entire body is writing itself onto the paper. Arms and legs flapping, you are alive in the room and alive on the page.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Peppers in Paradise

My friend David grows peppers. He grows lots and lots of peppers, mostly of the hot n' spicy variety on his back deck. His wife Lisa affectionately calls him “The Pepper Pusher” because when guests visit his jungle-like porch stuffed with plants, he invariably urges them to “try it – just try it!” Those who do not know much about Dave’s peppers are the foolish ones – they actually accept, and taste, a small piece of a red-hot nightshade. Lisa tries her best to urge these innocents against it but usually fails. The screen door from the house to the deck suffers the worst of these episodes. Picture the classic image from an old Warner Brothers’ cartoon: the character who just crashed through the wall has left a perfect silhouette outline of his body. Poor little screen! Dave merely snickers and smiles.

This summer, the ecotarium has proven to be a bit overwhelming even for The Pusher himself. Dave made the heart-wrenching decision to put up a few of his babies for adoption. I am now the proud foster mom of a beautiful chili pepper plant :-) Of what variety, I don’t know but they sure are purty! While I do enjoy the dangerous heat of a chili or habanero, I’m not so sure if I’ll be eating these guys, however. We’ll see…

I thought it might be nice to send Dave a photograph of his children in their new home. The image of the little hotties in their suburban backyard didn’t carry the message I wanted to send to their Dad. So, I placed them in a more exotic environment a la Photoshop. Chili Peppers in Paradise! (Hmm...sounds like a song, sung to the tune of "Cheeseburger in Paradise") Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tribal Head

Last night, I had some fun doodlin' and doodlin' with my new 10-pack of Sharpies. When the page was about full, I noticed this sort-of "tribal head" had emerged, completely randomly. So I added a wee bit to the "nose" and "mouth" areas and voila! Ready for the dance. Or sumthin' like that...maybe.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Happy Friday The 13th! What, not so happy for you? Are you one of the thousands of people across the globe stricken with Paraskevidekatriaphobia? I didn’t make up the word; it really exists. It means “the irrational fear of Friday the thirteenth." Apparently, once you learn how to pronounce the word you’re cured! So get practicin’!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pig (Part 2)

It seemed the weightless movements of this pig in the air was the only motion in the classroom. I must have been staring at the floor from the shelter of my cap’s brim for quite some time because when I looked up again, the spectacle had changed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


A life-size molded acrylic pig hovered inches above our heads. Its technicolor pink gave the naive form a humorous tone but no one was smiling. The swine’s mouth was open – would it vomit or scream? Its blank expression suggested neither but I wasn’t sure.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Have a Good Laugh

...and I laughed out loud when I watched this three-minute comedy sketch, "BP Spills Coffee". Very, very funny; well-produced, and smart. Alas, I also wanted to cry. But if you need a good laugh in spite of all the madness around us, take a look. It will be 3 minutes well spent :-)

BP Spills
Watch more comedy videos from the twisted minds of the UCB Theatre at

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

If My Blog Was a Dog

Yes, I’m beginning to grasp at straws. But when the The Funk wraps its black-gloved hands around my neck and chokes the breath out of me, I must use whatever means necessary to…to…produce something.

•      •      •

If my blog was a dog, life would be different – my life, of course. Not yours, silly. Yes! I’d be inspired by…the Adorable, Irresistible, Cute and Ever-faithful Bloggie Woggie!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blog? What Blog?

So, why haven’t I written on my blog in three weeks? Following are the top five excuses – er – reasons why I haven’t blogged.

5. I stubbed my thumb reaching for my coffee mug so I can't hold a pen nor reach the space bar, thus making it impossible to write or type a coherent post.  
4. YouTube videos are just too much fun. 
3. I have been diagnosed with a not-so-rare disease called "Procrastinatis Avoidus Resistitus" 
2. My brain is sore so I'm giving it bed rest and heavy meds. 
1. No one named Uncle Frankie is forcing me to blog.

Okay, so none of the above are entirely true. (Except for maybe the diagnosis). I’ve been occupied with some time-consuming freelance work which is a good thing, buh-lieve me, but I haven’t had much “free” time. Or I haven’t made the time, as they say. Really, it’s all about balance. Balance is what I seek and balance shall be the topic of my next post. (Stay tuned.)

Meanwhile, if someone could tip Uncle Frankie about my aforementioned disease, I just might recover from the stubbed thumb, rise out of bed, get off the meds, tune-out YouTube and…write?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I've "literally" had it!

Today I was listening to a few news programs that I regularly tune into when I’m working in the studio and following are three quotes, all of them heard “literally” just today!

“The FBI has literally been following these Russians since the Clinton administration.”
“The Knicks haven’t won a championship since I was literally in diapers.”
“I literally have no idea.”

I am tempted to write the acronym “WTF”... WTF! I am “literally” sick-and-tired of hearing the adverb “literally” used so indiscriminately! It’s literally driving me crazy. OK, that’s a bit hyperbolic. It’s not driving me crazy but has anyone else noticed how much people are using the adverb “literally”?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Dangerous Beauty (WIP)

You're pacing, you're searching
I can feel that you want to run
Don't worry, I'm here.
I know you so well.
I can feel your confusion, your anguish
But release is very near
It won't take much coaxing
just a corkscrew and a glass
my deep burgundy blood
filling a bottomless chalice
the dangerous beauty
of my sensual glass vessel
you need me, now.
Stop pacing, stop searching.
You'll never find what you seek.
Calm your mind, drink me down
I'm your partner, your gaurdian.
The battle within you
can end with me.
Drink me down
my dangerous beauty
end the struggle
forget the fight
You know I always win.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Spider

The Spider (WIP)

The spider moved me from my chair.
The spider chased me from my bed.
Of course, the spider did not move me
I stood up to avoid the spider.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Environmental 9/11

For weeks, I have been struggling to write down my thoughts about the Gulf oil spill tragedy. I am still struggling and I simply can’t understand my paralysis. After listening to President Obama’s address to the Nation from the Oval Office last night, I feel now is the time to finally write something. (I invoked the “10-minute rule” to help me.)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Bar Coaster Sketch

Silly, yes. Thus the title, sketched onto a coaster at the "bah". A description of myself (albeit a rather unflattering one) over the past couple of weeks.

Drop. Drop it! DROP IT!

No, I won't drop my bone. I'm going to chew and gnaw and tear at this thing until it's good-and-done! I've been fumbling around in Photoshop trying to make "brushes" work like brushes and color work like "paint". I want texture and light and the heck do you DO that in Photoshop? Well, I've learned a couple-two-tree tings. And I can put this one to bed. (I can drop it.) See image below. Really, I dropped it. Really-really. I'm done...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Writing Exercise

(This is here because Cheryl suggested I post it. Just sayin'.)

I always try too hard. My efforts in every undertaking, creative or otherwise, are forced and deliberate. I mangle the paint tube, ruthlessly evacuating the crimson pigment. The palette knife is encrusted with acrylic stains, evidence of a harsh and unforgiving occupation. I am relentless but I do not know why.

I walked in the woods with Emily Carr today. Her landscape was fluid and unrestrained. I wondered how she handles her tubes of Alizarin Crimson, if that hue exists on her palette. I think she walks in the woods when she paints. I wish I could bring the trees into my creative spirit. I thought, "I can paint like that."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Animation Backgrounds

Background version one.


Version two. Animated elements (swaying palms, rolling waves, etc.) to be inserted on top. 

Friday, May 7, 2010


Poor Starbucks, taking the blows again simply because it's the corporate coffee giant everyone loves to hate. In defense of Starbucks (whose coffee I, too, enjoy) I could have replaced the Starbucks cup with a Dunkin’ Donuts, Peet’s, Panera Bread – take your pick. All of these cups end up in the trash rather than the local recycling center. But Starbucks deserves the ribbing for its hypocritical marketing propaganda. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Quickie Sketch

I quickly "painted" this portrait in Photoshop this morning for a card that I'm giving to a neighborhood kid...

Anthony, my next door neighbor, sprang into action yesterday afternoon when my newly-adopted dog, Sugar, escaped. I was removing two grocery bags from the car, Sugar and my ole' dog Ayla both in the back seat. All it took was a second for Sugar to jump. We live in a city 'hood where drivers like to hit the gas on our street, using it as a cut-through. It's a scary place for a dog to be running off-leash!

Not only did Anthony jump on his bicycle and follow Sugar down the street, but he corralled the other neighborhood kids, keeping them from getting too excited and scaring Sugar into a faster sprint. The two of us managed to encircle Sugar in a neighbor's yard (which is dangerously close to the busiest street in our neighborhood). Anthony jumped off his bike and used it as a blockade in the driveway while I came 'round the other side and hooked Sugar on her leash. Heart attack! Heart attack! Heart attack! Thank you-thank you-thank you Anthony, and all the other kids who helped me!

I will NOT repeat that mistake, ever again.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Boys in the 'Hood

Remember the character "Stitch" from the Disney movie? When the neighborhood boys band together and run the streets after school, seek shelter!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sarah Palin's Alaska

Can you believe it? The Discovery Channel (parent company Discovery Communications) will soon be airing a "reality style" show about Alaska titled "Sarah Palin's Alaska".

Yep, Sarah Palin is cashing-in – again, and apparently Discovery Communications is cashing-in on Palin's alleged popularity. I am outraged! Sarah Palin has demonstrated nothing but complete disregard, and even contempt, for wildlife and our environment. How can Sarah Palin be “the star” in a show about Alaska? How can Discovery produce a program about the wild Alaskan environment and its wildlife (most notably, wolves and polar bears) when Sarah Palin championed an aerial wolf-slaughter campaign that is still happening today?! She is also in favor of drilling (“Drill baby drill!”) in critical habitat for polar bears and other arctic species. And she will be a spokesperson for a show celebrating Alaska’s wildlands?!

Discovery must get her face OFF its channel! What a terrible loss for wildlife and the environment if the American public continues to be misled about Palin’s (and other politicians of her ilk) anti-wildlife and anti-environment policies.

I am outraged. If you would like to support a growing effort to make sure this farce of a show never airs, please visit Discovery Communications “viewer relations” page and write an angry letter.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Dreaded BOOK BEAST

Three times a year, I dedicate several days of volunteer work for our local arts center putting together the program book (lay-out, design, etc.) which gets mailed to members and patrons of the local arts scene. Every time, I tell myself, "I'm NOT going to spend as much time on this one as I did the last. I just can't let this thing eat up all of my time!"

Alas, the Book Beast has struck again, voraciously feeding, hour by hour...

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Pressure of the Blog

Last Thursday evening, I was invited by my friend Cheryl Perrault to attend the monthly “Women’s Art Forum” hosted by the Cultural Arts Alliance in Hopkinton. This month’s speaker was Zen teacher Ji Hyang Padma, who gave a talk about spirituality and creativity, as well as meditation and spiritual practice.

One of the themes Ji Hyang touched upon was “fear.” She prepared a group activity that explores this topic using the phrase “If I was not afraid I would…” To my surprise, this exercise became a bit intense for me as I spoke quite nervously and awkwardly about my own fears, not just relating to art practice but to life itself.

After Ji Hyang’s talk, I thought of an exercise to give to myself: to create a visual image representing “fear”. Rather vague, yes, but an exercise to get myself drawing! This is where “the pressure of the blog” comes in to play. Since committing myself to blog every day, I have provided myself a bit of extra motivation to FINISH what I start. And the first weekend since the debut of my blog has proven to be quite a distraction, as I was away (in Maine) visiting family and had no time to myself to work on my image! Lesson learned. Set aside time, every day, no matter what!

So, three days late, here is the sketch. It has gone through many changes since my first ideas and I unfortunately have no idea what it has to do with facing and fighting fear anymore!  But it’s 10 pm and I said I’d put sumthin’ up everyday, so here is “Fear1.0.” Sort-of. (ick, yuck, ick)

And thank you, Cheryl, for inviting me to the talk. It was a good experience and I was happy to meet so many talented and accomplished local artists. I hope to attend many more future events. J