Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blog? What Blog?

So, why haven’t I written on my blog in three weeks? Following are the top five excuses – er – reasons why I haven’t blogged.

5. I stubbed my thumb reaching for my coffee mug so I can't hold a pen nor reach the space bar, thus making it impossible to write or type a coherent post.  
4. YouTube videos are just too much fun. 
3. I have been diagnosed with a not-so-rare disease called "Procrastinatis Avoidus Resistitus" 
2. My brain is sore so I'm giving it bed rest and heavy meds. 
1. No one named Uncle Frankie is forcing me to blog.

Okay, so none of the above are entirely true. (Except for maybe the diagnosis). I’ve been occupied with some time-consuming freelance work which is a good thing, buh-lieve me, but I haven’t had much “free” time. Or I haven’t made the time, as they say. Really, it’s all about balance. Balance is what I seek and balance shall be the topic of my next post. (Stay tuned.)

Meanwhile, if someone could tip Uncle Frankie about my aforementioned disease, I just might recover from the stubbed thumb, rise out of bed, get off the meds, tune-out YouTube and…write?

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